Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines: A Physical Basis for Analysis and Design

Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines: A Physical Basis for Analysis and Design

Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines: A Physical Basis for Analysis and Design

Regular price $79.00
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A review of the aerodynamics, design and analysis, and optimization of wind turbines, combined with the author's unique software Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines is a comprehensive introduction to the aerodynamics, scaled design and analysis, and optimization of horizontal-axis wind turbines. The author -a noted expert on the topic - reviews the fundamentals and basic physics of wind turbines operating in the atmospheric boundary layer. He then explores more complex models that help in the aerodynamic analysis and design of turbine models. The text contains unique chapters on blade element momentum theory, airfoil aerodynamics, rotational augmentation, vortex-wake methods, actuator-line modeling, and designing aerodynamically scaled turbines for model-scale experiments. The author clearly demonstrates how effective analysis and design principles can be used in a wide variety of applications and operating conditions. The book integrates the easy-to-use, hands-on XTurb design and analysis software that is available on a companion website for facilitating individual analyses and future studies. This component enhances the learning experience and helps with a deeper and more complete understanding of the subject matter

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